
Coworking can represent a few different things to people. At the core is a cost-effective way to have a workspace outside of the home with included amenities that are typically not found in renting general office space. For example, if you were to rent an office, you still need to buy furniture, pay utilities, remove snow, and usually make an annual commitment. With our coworking space you can pay one low fee month-to-month and have access to a secured, well lit, air conditioned, shared common area, desk, comfortable task chair, high speed Internet access, all for less than the typical internet bill at home. 

Shared lounge space

for impromptu brainstorming or presentations. 


month-to-month membership, first-come first-serve flexible shared work space. Sit or stand adjustable desks. Dedicated power and high-speed internet.

Dedicated desk

Assigned dedicated desk for Member+ subscribers. Adjustable sit or stand desk, ergonomic task chair, dedicated power and high-speed internet. 

Shared kitchenette

bring your lunch, keep chilled in the shared fridge, or warm in the microwave. We’ll provide coffee and water.

Meeting Rooms

Meeting rooms can be reserved by members or non-members for one-off meetings by the half-day at an additional expense. For standing reoccurring arrangements, please contact us for a negotiated rate.

Start Your Membership

Low monthly expense, M-F 8 am to 8 pm access to secured coworking space, hot desking, high speed internet $85/mo.

Sign up

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Working at home can be full of distraction; children, pets, significant others, friends and service people stopping by the house. Additionally, studies have shown that working at home can increase stress, reduce quality sleep, and has the potential to negatively impact your family life2.

You might find yourself working in a public space like a coffee shop, but that isn’t without its own set of challenges. Finding a power outlet, competing with the noises of the espresso machine, music, cross-talk and managing pain since the seating isn’t ideal for long work sessions.

Renting a dedicated office could eliminate some challenges, but if your business isn’t ready to make that commitment it could be costly because the dedicated office comes with an annual commitment, utilities and internet bills on top of the rent, and it is up to you to furnish and maintain it.

Coworking is a solution for the motivated entrepreneur looking for the most cost-effective way to improve their efficiency.

Some of the more difficult-to-quantify benefits of a shared working environment include reducing mental and physical health risks associated with social isolation. According to Dr. Doug Namecek, Cigna’s chief medical officer for behavioral health, loneliness contributes to depression and suicide risk, can lead to heart disease, diabetes and dementia. He compared the increased risk of death to the same amount as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.1 Other studies have shown that working at home can increase stress, reduce quality sleep, and has the potential to negatively impact your family life2

Utilizing a shared coworking environment can fit into your overall work strategy to help you achieve a more harmonious and healthy work-life balance3.